30 de jul. de 2010

Tem hora que dá vontade de ser Ana Clara...

Valhalla the gods await me
Open wide thy gates embrace me.
Great hall of the battle slain
With sword in hand.
All those who stand on shore
Raise high your hands to bid a last
farewell to the Viking land.

Death\'s chilling wind blows through my hair
I\'m now immortal, I am there
I take my place by Odin\'s side
Eternal army in the sky.

I point my hatchet to the wind
I guard the gates and all within
Hear my sword sing, as I ride across the sky
Sworn by the sacred blood of Odin onward ride.

Valhalla the gods await me
Open wide thy gates embrace me.
Great hall of the battle slain
With sword in hand.
Behold the kingdom of the kings
Books of spells and magic rings
Endless knowledge, endless time
I scream the final battle cry.

Pandemia, escolas fechadas e Cloroquina

Depois de um longo período de isolamento, trabalho duro e reflexão, retomo as atividades do Blog da Kau com um desabafo. Senta que lá vem te...